Brand: Sun Ten Formulas

Dun Sou San 100 capsules

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Product Description

Sun Ten Dun Sou San 100 capsules

Dun Sou San, is a traditional Chinese herbal formula also known as Morus and Platycodon Formula containing herbs including platycodon, pinellia, and citrus peel.

Name:Dun Sou San
Dun Sou San is also known as:Morus and Platycodon Formula
Manufacturing Process:water decocted concentrate(5:1
Serving Size:2-4 caps : 2-3 times/day

Dun Sou San contains these ingredients

Concentrated powders of natural herbal products tend to absorb moisture from the air. Hence, it is necessary for the manufacturer to add a suitable amount of excipient to stabilize the concentrated herbal products. Non-GMO starch are used as excipients.

Radix Bupleuri (chai hu),Gypsum Fibrosum (shi gao), Radix Platycodonis (jie geng), Radix Scutellariae (huang qin), Cortex Mori (sang bai pi), Fructus Gardeniae (zhi zi), Radix Glycyrrhizae (gan cao).